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A revised Case Management Order (CMO) has been entered by the Court in the Burn Pit Lawsuit. The Second Amended CMO provides that the Court will hold an evidentiary hearing on December 15 and 16, 2016 to determine whether the Court has subject matter jurisdiction to hear the lawsuit.
The Order directs that the parties (Service members and KBR) and the United States Government, to exchange information so that the Court may make a determination as to whether it has jurisdiction to hear the case against Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR) for alleged negligence involving Iraq and Afghanistan burn pit sites.
The Court has directed that KBR and the United States Government identify what bases KBR was involved with in Iraq and Afghanistan. Testimony, written and electronic documentary evidence, and photographs will be reviewed to determine the level and extent of KBR’s roll, if any, in the operation of the burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The cases have been brought by: veterans, private military contractor employees and civilian government employees, who were exposed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The action is against KBR for damages "caused [by] harm through the negligent use of burn pits and improper water treatment."
The case is a consolidated Multidistrict Ligation (MDL) matter that consists of multiple individual cases. KBR was hired by the United States to provide logistical support for the military during the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts.